We endorse JD as our #1 choice!
Click a photo to see why the leaders you trust, trust JD as their #1 Choice for Arlington County Board
Elected & Appointed Officials
Congressman Don Beyer
The Hon. Mary Margaret Whipple
Senator Barbara Favola
Delegate Alfonso Lopez
Delegate Patrick Hope
Delegate Adele McClure
The Hon. Takis Karantonis
The Hon. Matt de Ferranti
The Hon. David Priddy
The Hon. Maureen Coffey
The Hon. Susan Cunningham
The Hon. Mary Kadera
The Hon. Parisa Dehghani-Tafti
The Hon. Kim E. Klinger
The Hon. James W. Dyke
The Hon. John G. Milliken
The Hon. Monique O'Grady
The Hon. Dr. Emma Violand-Sánchez
Zuraya Tapia-Hadley
Senator L. Louise Lucas
Senator Jennifer Carroll-Foy
Senator Saddam Salim
Senator Russet Perry
Delegate Josh Thomas
The Hon. Eileen Filler-Corn
The Hon. Jay Jones
The leaders you trust, trust JD as their #1 choice!
Join them and vote JD Spain, Sr. as your #1 choice for Arlington County Board
Community Members
Check back to hear from more supporters, including…
Allan Gajadhar
Michael Jones
Leah & Antony Maderal
Abu Rumi and Family
Dr. Scott Edwin Taylor