The Honorable Dr. Emma Violand-Sánchez

Former Member and Chair of Arlington School Board

As Arlington Public School’s first Latina administrator and Chair of the School Board, and the founder and chair of the Dream Project, I enthusiastically endorse Julius “JD” Spain, Sr. for the open seat on the Arlington County Board.

I know JD as a personal friend, Dream Project Board member, and passionate servant leader. JD connects with all communities, where we live—he listens, he brings people and groups together, and he gets things done.

Bringing his experience and relationships as a business leader and highly respected, decorated retired Marine Corps veteran, JD engaged the president of George Mason University to support Dreamers, and he connected us with Amazon. He will not only bring representation to all of Arlington, but he also understands and cares about our low-income neighbors and supports immigrant youth.

JD personifies “We are One Arlington.” He represents us all through his integrity and values. There is no one who advocates for Arlingtonians with more passion and effectiveness than JD Spain, Sr.

There are five candidates running in the Democratic primary for one seat. JD needs our active support and our vote to win this race. Volunteer and make JD your #1 Choice in the June 18 Democratic Primary.

— The Hon. Dr. Emma Violand-Sánchez

The Hon. Monique O'Grady


Zuraya Tapia-Hadley